Monday, September 17, 2007

I love progress!

I really do...I can't get enough of it. I remember the day we first signed the lease for our office, which was not long ago. (I will tell you the short history of our startup in a future post.) What I had in my mind on that day was a draft of the concept. We're still at a very early stage, but we already have a decent V2.0 plan. In fact, we have executed part of it for one of our clients and called it V1.5.

In a previous post, I said content is more important than the algorithm in terms of the impact to our success. The first major improvement to the algorithm is on the way, and when we're done Botego will move onto the next level, which I call the first step of advancement.

If you're into progress, you're probably inclined to dislike your previous practices. I find this a very healthy approach. I remember improving my score by 25% on the nationwide college examination on my second attempt. I had realized my first try was way too courageous considering how little I was prepared. That's exactly what I feel these days: I'm never satisfied with what we already have in our hands.

Our third press appearance

Forbes' coverage discloses a lot of details. Too bad there's no English version of the article: Page 1, Page 2

Is it really artificial intelligence?

A lot of people have asked this question. There are many definitions of AI, and the correct answer depends on the application. For example, here is one definition:

"The ability of a computer to perform tasks, such as reasoning and learning, that human intelligence is capable of doing"

Botego does learn, but the learning process for this commercial software has to be human-controlled. Consider the alternative: if Botego independently uses the information based on statistical analysis of user input, it could easily be mistaken. Remember how Google bombers manipulated search results using the partially-disclosed Google pagerank algorithm? For a product like Botego serving in customer relations, such an incident is unacceptable. With such possibilities in mind, we chose to limit the "intelligence" of Botego, to a certain extent.

Here are two more descriptions of AI which also apply to Botego:

"A generic term commonly used to indicate the inclusion in software of some type of automated application of rules, the results of which give the appearance of 'intelligence' on the part of the computer. An example would be a computer which uses language rules to carry on a conversation with the human using the computer."

"Computational techniques to automate tasks that require human intelligence and the ability to reason."

The terms "intelligence", "learn", and "think" in these definitions are usually in quotes. That seems to be an acknowledgment of the limits of artificial intelligence. But we don't care about the limits. As long as you achieve the expected outcome, it doesn't matter whether you succeed on the Turing Test

If you're a scientist who has spent decades on the science of AI, you're free to call our technology "simple pattern matching". Fair enough. Just be advised that our goal is to satisfy the 90% of what we call "reasonable users*", and so far this goal is accomplished.

Our technology depends 40% on the algorithm and 60% on the content. So even if it was only the content we cared for (which is not the case, as we are improving our algorithm), a 200% increase in our content database would result in a 120% increase in the total success of the application. That improvement is impressive and very easy to achieve!

* Anyone who is aware that Botego is a software tool that doesn't claim to know everything.

What is Botégo?

Technology is the key element for serving profitability and competitiveness, and innovative companies keep creating new tools for this challenging task. Our company, Yapayzeki Ltd.—our name may be translated “artificial intelligent”—created Botego (short for “Bot with an Ego”, referring to her ability to learn and advance quickly). Botego offers a new approach to various disciplines, such as customer relations management, marketing, human resources and entertainment.

A bot is software used to automate certain tasks and procedures. A good example would be Google’s spiders, responsible for automatically browsing websites to create an up-to-date index. Botego is designed to interact with people in a human-like way. The context and attitude of the interaction are solely determined by our clients in order to serve their efforts to create a better customer experience.

This unique platform based on our technology, along with our expertise on content, makes us a great partner for any type and size of business. And this blog is what this is all about. Add it to your favorites and check it out once in a while