Showing posts with label general information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label general information. Show all posts

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How we help, who we help

Now that we have a modest amount of followers in the international web community, i'd like to give some information as to what we do, what our intentions are, and what we have accomplished so far, in the first 22 months of our operation.

Our proprietary technology has been developed from scratch. We gained significant know-how on applications what Wikipedia calls "Weak Artificial Intelligence".

How we help

  • Virtual intelligent agents: These agents interact with users in a human-like way, helping them retrieve information in an informal, quick and easy way. They operate on the web, on instant messaging platforms and mobile devices.

  • Knowledgebase tools: This product allows any employee, particularly call-center agents, get self-help on the web in a matter of seconds. It replaces conventional knowledgebase systems which are usually intranets in the form of plain HTML pages. Agents now retreive the information up to 66% faster!

  • Contextual e-mail autoresponders: Although in early production stage, this product is very promissing for companies dealing with large amount of inbound e-mail traffic.

    Who we help

    In alphabetical order: Avea (Second largest GSM operator of Turkey), Hepsiburada (Largest e-commerce website of Turkey, owned by one of the largest conglomerates of Turkey, The Dogan Group), TEB (a partner of BNP BARIPAS, sixth largest bank in the world, and the largest one in the Euro region), Tefal (Co-operated with Project House), TTNET (Largest operator of DSL and dial-up services in Turkey)

    In the press:

    Our technology and applications were covered in variety of national newspapers, magazines and TV channels, including the following:


    Please refer to our website for more information
  • Sunday, July 13, 2008

    Employee stock options

    Employee stock options was one of the hot topics discussed in the panel organized by Golden Horn Ventures this week. Did we mention that we also offer this type of compensation to share the value our employees help us create?

    Sunday, May 18, 2008

    Sir, we can't stop them! They keep coming!

    Thanks to Merve (along with Nemo Ramjet's videos), general statistics on how much time visitors spend on an average corporate web site doesn't apply to According to data from our tracker, more than 30% of our visitors spend more than five minutes on the website. This also includes the 12.9% who spent more than 20 minutes! Did i mention that number of average daily unique visitors is now 1824? Not bad for a one-year-old SME, ha?

    Monday, September 17, 2007

    What is Botégo?

    Technology is the key element for serving profitability and competitiveness, and innovative companies keep creating new tools for this challenging task. Our company, Yapayzeki Ltd.—our name may be translated “artificial intelligent”—created Botego (short for “Bot with an Ego”, referring to her ability to learn and advance quickly). Botego offers a new approach to various disciplines, such as customer relations management, marketing, human resources and entertainment.

    A bot is software used to automate certain tasks and procedures. A good example would be Google’s spiders, responsible for automatically browsing websites to create an up-to-date index. Botego is designed to interact with people in a human-like way. The context and attitude of the interaction are solely determined by our clients in order to serve their efforts to create a better customer experience.

    This unique platform based on our technology, along with our expertise on content, makes us a great partner for any type and size of business. And this blog is what this is all about. Add it to your favorites and check it out once in a while

    Tuesday, July 17, 2007

    How do you measure success?

    Since we claim Botego can replace a human being (to a certain
    extent), we need to support our claim. As I said in the previous
    post, our aim is to satisfy the 90% of reasonable users who
    understand the context in which a particular Botego application is
    operating. You can't blame an engineer for not being able to comment
    on a disease. The same thing applies to Botego. Botego on an online
    shop is responsible for responding to enquiries regarding purchases,
    delivery options, the exchange and return policies of the shop, etc.
    It will not return the results of the recent election poll. Good
    luck getting that information from a human sales representative!

    By the way, have you had any bad experiences dealing with call center
    agents? I have. During a recent conversation with one of them, she
    tried to explain why they sent the invoice to the recipient although
    I had clearly stated the purchased item would be shipped as a gift.
    Of course, she couldn't give me a satisfactory explanation.

    In short, Botego is able to deliver what she intends to, and the success of a business depends on its approach to its customers, not whether it uses Botego or humans.

    Tuesday, May 8, 2007


    Number of questions Botégo has answered so far, has reached a whopping amount mentioned on the title. The figure itself represents a significant know-how, and there's more to this asset than the quantity. It offers a precious medium for data-mining, that we constantly use to develop the product.

    Saturday, February 24, 2007

    You can't think outside "our box"

    This is a subset of various expressions standing for "Ne haber?" ("What's up?" in Turkish), including virtually every typo you can imagine.
    Now that Botego handles more than 50 cumulative dialogs a minute, we've become quite an expert on how our people's minds operate, including how they fail to operate correctly. The total number of conversations has reached the millions, bringing the volume of logs to a whopping amount of gigabytes. Therefore, we no longer need to foresee such variations, as our valuable users have been voluntarily contributing to our database. All we need to do is analyse it with the proprietary software we recently developed. So, you can try out any typo you can imagine, and we'll immediately add it to our list, if we already haven't.

    If one of our biggest assets for building innovative products is creativity, the other one is the expertise we've gained from operating those products.